Top 5 Traits of Successful People at Lakewinds Global
At Lakewinds Global, we do not require industry experience or specific degrees to join our team. This is, in part, due to the fact that we are able and willing, to train the right candidates for everything they need to know in order to perform their job duties. The other reason that we do not seek out those generic requirements is that we have found that there are certain traits people possess that will ultimately determine if they are successful (or not) with our company, or anywhere, and they are not necessarily things that are learned from formal education or work history.
They go above and beyond. In addition to completing their expected work, typically before the necessary deadline, they are always looking for new projects and challenges to take on. Not only does this benefit the team – helping others complete their tasks, but it also shows that they are eager to help, learn, and grow!
They are willing to fail their way to success. At Lakewinds Global we encourage our team to “embrace the process” and that will undoubtedly include making mistakes. Most people will simply give up and quit when they fail at something, but those who will be successful in the long term solely learn from their mistakes and get that much closer to succeeding next time.
They are realistic in their goal setting. All too often people like to talk a big game about everything that they will accomplish. And although we support big dreams, we also want to set people up to succeed in achieving their goals. Successful people set realistic goals that will push them but are not too lofty that they are incapable of reaching. The mentoring from our leadership team assists in evaluating goals with our team to ensure they are setting, and achieving, appropriate goals that will continue to motivate them!
They are development junkies. They push themselves outside of their comfort zones by taking on new projects, doing new things, and continuing to learn. Although many people feel that once they are finished with school, their education is over- a successful person will never stop learning and growing, especially when they are a part of the Lakewinds Global team.
They embrace the journey not just the reward. People who will ultimately become successful understand that there are no shortcuts to success. They are willing to put in the effort, embrace the challenges, and overcome all obstacles along the way. Staying diligent in the process, and genuinely enjoying the voyage of building a life-long career is what will lead to long-term success.